HUH has a viable scheme and a detailed investigation is recommended’,
You can read the full feasibility study below but in case you are short of time...
If you are short of time, the headlines are -
it is recommended that we progress to a detailed Phase 2 investigation and then to the development of a high temperature (72 degrees centigrade) heat network, supplied by either ground or air source heat pumps
162 out of 165 village properties are in the potential heat supply zone (the three properties currently excluded are Manor Farm, and Lilliput / Valley View on Lower Heyford Road)
potential land parcels and an Energy Centre location have been identified on the Poors Allotment field (to the east of the allotments) and on adjoining land owned by New College
forecast operational costs of heat production for ground source heat pumps (the most likely option) are lower than direct electric heating, oil, LPG or individual household air sourced heat pumps, and are slightly higher than mains gas. The operational costs shown in the report do not allow for the recently reported +50% increase in domestic gas prices nor for any operational savings from generating our own solar electricity to power the Energy Centre
The challenges we (HUH) foresee are -
obtaining grants or capital investment to build the scheme which take a sufficiently long term perspective (i.e. 40 to 60 years, the life of the primary infrastructure)
gaining sufficient village support (potentially 100+ properties)
determining who constructs and then operates the scheme (governance)
Next steps -
Hosted a well attended Q&A on 16th December 2021 at the Village Hall
Completed the Phase2 grant application by 11th February 2022
Organised a visit to see the North Aston scheme in operation and to talk to residents (On Saturday 12th March speak to Chris Coe or email: heatupperheyford.com)